Haverhill Art Walk
What is the Haverhill Art Walk?
The Haverhill Art Walk is an outdoor and indoor community event in June and September throughout downtown Haverhill. Art Walk highlights local businesses, forgotten alleyways, and underutilized spaces with an artist market, Plein air painting, poetry, exhibitions, demonstrations, and music performances.
Saturday, June7th from 2:00-6:00 PM | This year kicking-off with the Haverhill Pride Parade at 12:30 at City Hall!
Saturday, September 27th from 2:00-6:00 PM
Thank you to all who participate in and attend the Haverhill Art Walks!
*For any questions regarding any form of accessibility or accommodations needed, please don’t hesitate to contact our program director and we’ll be happy to provide information and support to accommodate your needs.
Haverhill art walk
Are you an artist?
Submissions to the Alleyway Art Market will open soon, stay tuned!
Questions? Contact Artist Market Coordinator:
Ella Cetchovich
Plein air painters and urban sketches are invited to set up anywhere along the Haverhill Art Walk route!
HAVERHILL ART WALK POP-UP SHOWS: info coming soon, stay tuned!
Are you a Musician?
Reach out to Haverhill Art Walk Director Hailey Moschella to inquire about performing:
Are you a business and want to host an artist or performer?
Interested in hosting an exhibition, demonstration, or performance? Contact the Art Walk Director through the link below to receive the resources and support you need.